Thursday 23 May 2013


Differences between a blog and a wiki
  1. Blogs contain pictures, videos, news and personal stories other people can see or read.
  2. Wikis collect and organize information into a collection of researchable pages were people can find using a search engine. 
  3. Blogs are written in reverse chronological order (arranged from most recent to oldest) while wikis are written according to content or any type of arrangement the particular individual wants. 
Similarities between a blog and a wiki
  1. Both blogs an wikis offer users an easier way to post and publish content to the web without the need to know the HTML.
  2. They both can be accessible to anyone in the world.
  3. They produce a perfect way for one to stay current and updated in your field and read what other people are doing.
Web 2.0 Concepts and Applications Gery B Shelly Mark Frydenburg and Differences

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